Exceptional Equipment Design

I believe in providing Exceptional Equipment 

Different from the rest - for a reason


I believe in:  Safety First!

I want you to have the equipment and resources you need to keep your dog safe when you bring them home, while you bond with them, while you help them cope with scary situations, while you work on training, and while you both enjoy living your lives to the fullest. 


To help you keep your dog safe, I provide:
  • High quality materials
  • Sturdy manufacturing methods
  • Suggested dog weight limits on products
  • No-failure hardware options
  • Backup products & escape-resistant products


closeup image showing the box stitch used on webbing products in the process of being sewn.

I want to help you prioritize the well-being, physical and emotional safety of your dog. I recommend:

Least aversive equipment that is *safest* for your dog.

Not all dogs like harnesses for example, but if that is the best way to keep your pup from escaping or from injuring themselves, then using a harness may be appropriate in the short term. Each dog is different so not all equipment recommendations are suitable for all dogs, and your dogs needs may change over time. I am happy to work with you in finding something that both you and your dog can be happy with.

Equipment that allows for cooperative handling whenever possible.

How do you handle a dog that you can't touch? Carefully!

It's not easy but in certain circumstances it can be done temporarily while you work on hand shyness, touch sensitivity, and handling. Some of my equipment can help.

Equipment that allows you to train without pain or discomfort. 

The science supports the fact that aversive training techniques and equipment are more detrimental than they are beneficial to our dogs and our relationship with them.

The American Animal Hospital Association Task Force states "Aversive training has been associated with detrimental effects on the human–animal bond, problem solving ability, and the physical and behavioral health of the patient. It causes problem behaviors in normal animals and hastens progression of behavioral disorders in distressed animals.  Aversive techniques are especially injurious to fearful and aggressive patients and often suppress signals of impending aggression, rendering any aggressive dog more dangerous."

Read More from the AAHA

I support

Fear Free

Positive Reinforcement (R+)

Train without Pain

I also believe in

“No Shock - No Prong - No Choke”


Definitions of the Terms I Use above